At Simplex, we offer investment management and financial planning services for our clients.
We understand the intricacies of our rapidly evolving world and the challenges these changes present to our clients. Our mission is design a holistic financial plan that puts our clients in the best position to achieve their individual financial goals and remain financially independent throughout retirement.
We begin by gathering information from each client to clearly define their individual financial objectives while assessing their risk tolerance. From this information we develop a disciplined investment strategy taking into account short- and long-term goals and potential changes in future tax legislation. Each investment plan consists of a customized asset allocation strategy that is continuously monitored to determine if any modifications need to be made.
In order to help our clients' achieve their individual financial goals, we meet with each client personally on a ongoing basis to review both their investment portfolio and update their financial plan. We believe it is essential that our clients’ financial plans are tailored to suit their individual needs, are properly executed, and reviewed regularly.
We take great care in determining each of our clients’ specific asset allocation strategies and providing financial planning recommendations as we strive to provide a superior level of personalized service and expertise on an ongoing basis.